Seminar for medical students

    The weekend of 17 and April 18 was developed in the Balneario de Lugo a seminar of spa treatments in rheumatic diseases. It was organized by the USC and for students in their final years of medicine.

    The seminar medical students had theoretical and practical sessions. In the theoretical sessions the spa treatment was presented from several perspectives:

    The scientist as it had the collaboration of Dr. Rosa Meijide Failde, Professor of Medical Hydrology, Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Corunna, was Medical Director Lugo spa.

    The archaeological, with the collaboration of archaeologist Paco Hervés that has been running excavations in the Balneario de Lugo for several years and highlighted the important archaeological site that exists throughout the area in which it is the spa highlighting its use at the time Roman and throughout the centuries without interruption. He led a guided tour in situ showing the most representative areas of uniqueness.

    The spa environment and its influence on the quality of life of users. The instructor of free time, Lucia Monin, graduated in business studies with different courses and free time monitor, made a brief reflection on the types of clients, ages, cultures as well to solve the puzzle and get to create a sense of wellbeing facilitating overall psychomotor activities, cultural activities, leisure and entertainment

    Application techniques of mineral water, indications, contraindications, how to apply them in temperature, time and pressure variables to consider, all explained on the experience of Dr. Sanchez Carriónque takes more than a decade leading the Lugo spa.
    And finally, the importance of Hydrokinesitherapy and application forms depending on the condition and needs of the thermal patient conference was given by José María Garrido, physiotherapist Balneario de Lugo, among others.

    All this was supplemented with practices that conducted medical students in different sections of the installation.